1109, 2014

Graduation 2014: Highlights, Photos, and Speeches

By |September 11th, 2014|

On August 29, 122 YouthBuild students graduated in front of friends and family at a ceremony held in Zion Baptist Church's sanctuary on North Broad Street.  Hundreds of guests attended, as well as Class of 2015 applicants currently going through Mental Toughness Training. We were honored to welcome Marcus Allen, CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters [...]

1108, 2014

Graduate Profile: Larry, Class of 2013

By |August 11th, 2014|

With the Class of 2014's graduation ceremony less than 3 weeks away, we decided to check in with alums from last year to see what they've been up to since their graduation in August 2013. Here's a profile of Larry , an outstanding Class of 2013 alum who remains motivated to succeed after graduating from YouthBuild Philly: [...]

1306, 2014

June Volunteer of the Month: Sirrah Williams

By |June 13th, 2014|

Sirrah Williams is the June 2014 YouthBuild Philly Volunteer of the Month!  Sirrah works at the Wharton School of Business and has been volunteering at YouthBuild since March 2014.  In addition to helping out in Ms. Willa’s Language Arts class, Sirrah also helped  coordinate this year’s partnership between YouthBuild Philly and Wharton’s annual Charity Fashion Show.  She [...]

1106, 2014

Students Attend US2020 Announcement

By |June 11th, 2014|

In late May, YouthBuild Philly students attended a press event at the Franklin Institute, where Mayor Nutter announced that Philadelphia was one of seven U.S. cities to with the US2020 City Competition.  With funding from this competition, the Philadelphia US2020 Coalition will develop innovative models for increasing the number of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) [...]

1006, 2014

YouthBuild Philly Receives Preservation Alliance Award

By |June 10th, 2014|

In June, a group of students and staff from YouthBuild Philly attended the Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia’s Preservation Achievement Awards, an annual event recognizing important historical preservation work being done throughout the Philadelphia region. This year, the Preservation Alliance honored YouthBuild Philly with the John Andrew Gallery Community Action Award, for renovating 82 homes since [...]

2105, 2014

Students Write: “Dear YouthBuild…”

By |May 21st, 2014|

This year, students in Ms. Willa’s Language Arts class spent the academic year working on ethnography projects that studied a place of their choosing. Ethnography, students learned, is a form of social research that observes and analyzes the everyday patterns and practices of a group.  This particular assignment – which Ms. Willa called “Sense of Place, [...]

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