1605, 2014

May Volunteer of the Month: Alexandra Brown

By |May 16th, 2014|

Alexandra Brown Is the May 2014 YouthBuild Philly Volunteer of the Month!  Alexandra is studying Anthropology and Human Biology at Temple University, and has been volunteering at YouthBuild Philly since January.  All of us at YouthBuild thank her for the hours of tutoring and valuable service she’s provided at our school this year!  Below, Alexandra reflects on her time at [...]

1405, 2014

Photos: Thaddeus Stevens College 2014 Commencement

By |May 14th, 2014|

Did you know that YouthBuild Philly has not one but two Classes of 2014?  We're not referring to the early diploma ceremony for Jerome and Aaron last month - and not to our tradition of holding two graduation ceremonies in August and November - but rather to the  many YouthBuild alumni graduating from college this year. With [...]

1305, 2014

Celebrating a Year with Starbucks

By |May 13th, 2014|

In the summer of 2013, YouthBuild Philadelphia Charter School was awarded a Youth Leadership Grant from the Starbucks Foundation to support our Leadership Development programming.  Over the past year, YouthBuild Philly and Starbucks have expanded on this partnership on the ground in Philadelphia, leading to new opportunities for students and Starbucks partners alike.  Read on to [...]

3004, 2014

For two students, an early graduation

By |April 30th, 2014|

In Simran Sidhu's TEDxPhiladelphia talk about YouthBuild Philly's core strategies, she emphasized the importance of putting individual students and their needs at the center of our program design.  What this means, sometimes, is being willing to abandon or adjust existing program constraints if they don't help students achieve success. Last Friday's community meeting offered a great [...]

2604, 2014

An Extra Shot of Good: Starbucks Volunteers Assist at YouthBuild Worksite

By |April 26th, 2014|

April 2014 marks Starbucks' fourth annual Global Month of Service, in which Starbucks employees organize and participate in service projects serving their local community. We were thrilled when our friends from the Region 13 Starbucks stores decided to collaborate with YouthBuild Philly on a service project this year, and arranged for participating partners to work side by side with students [...]

2404, 2014

Region’s lead professionals volunteer on worksite, offer leadership advice

By |April 24th, 2014|

In February and March, YouthBuild Philly students renovating the Wingohocking St. construction worksite in Nicetown received some assistance – and valuable advice – from a unique group of volunteers who called themselves “Junto 7.” The members of Junto 7 are participants in LEADERSHIP Philadelphia’s 2014 Core Program.  This program prepares leaders in the Philadelphia region’s private sector to [...]

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