1911, 2020

a Socially distanced celebration

By |November 19th, 2020|

September 4, 2020- Every year YouthBuild Philly comes together to celebrate hundreds of graduates for their hard work and dedication. This year was no different, except due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, the celebration required a bit more distance than usual. In true YouthBuild fashion, staff, students, family and loved ones came together masked and ready [...]

907, 2020

Black lives matter, now and always

By |July 9th, 2020|

Dear YouthBuild Philly Supporters:ALL Black Lives Matter in our school, in our community and in our world. This truth is foundational to our shared YouthBuild community and to our shared humanity. This has been a very intense and traumatic time for YouthBuild Philly, especially as our community cannot physically connect to embrace and affirm each other as [...]

1303, 2020

A Letter from Our Executive Director

By |March 13th, 2020|

Dear YouthBuild Philadelphia Community Members and Friends: Internationally and now in our region, the spread of COVID-19 has caused great concern for public health and education systems. YouthBuild Philadelphia Charter School has closely monitored the health and safety of our school community. We are thankful to report that there have been no known cases among [...]

503, 2020

2nd Annual Student Showcase

By |March 5th, 2020|

March 4-- YouthBuild Philly hosted our 2nd Annual Student Showcase as a chance for students to share their gifts, talents and lessons learned throughout the school year with a community of new and long-time supporters of YouthBuild. Our Class of 2020 took full ownership of the showcase with an action-packed agenda created, hosted and led by [...]

2101, 2020

MLK Day of Service- #YBserves at Stephen Girard Elementary School

By |January 21st, 2020|

January 20, 2020 -- For the YouthBuild Philly community, MLK Day represents a day of service, reflection and impact, rather than a day off. In honor of the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., more than 200 YouthBuild Philly students, alumni, staff and community partners joined together to revitalize the hallways of [...]

2611, 2019

Class of 2019: November Graduation

By |November 26th, 2019|

November 25, 2019---YouthBuild Philly celebrated our most recent graduating class of 29 students with a commencement ceremony at Zion Baptist Church. November graduates have shown remarkable perseverance throughout the school year and are a true testament to YouthBuild Philly’s core values of Respect, Excellence, and Perseverance.  The event was attended by staff members, loved ones and [...]

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